Something More Political Than Usual
Never the one to let a high-minded moment go without a jab worthy of a fraternity president, 43rd argued on Armistice Day (when the First War To Save Us Having to Have Any More Wars was ended at 11 on the 11 Day of the 11 Month, as SJ was taught long ago) that critics who want to investigate whether pre-war intellligence was "fixed" (which of course is a Britishism meaning "arranged" and nothing more pernicious than that) are hurting the morale of the troops. While SJ hesistates to speak for the troops, we suspect that like many people in the middle of things, they don't have much time or much care about how things began. (A mechanic is not normally interested in why you drove the car without oil.) But then it is just like a fraternity president to complain about criticism as hurting someone else when they feel its sting.